Other Oddities
Miscellaneous stuff that didn't quite fit in the other categories of
this site...
- Common Sense
by Thomas Paine, was one of the important works that led to the American
Revolution, and you can read it on the net now. (Paine would have loved
the Internet, and would probably have a really cool web site if he were
alive today!)
- LawGuru.com -- a site full of resources
for searching legislation and litigation.
- LawIdea.com -- Site related
to LawGuru.com that brings together lots of legal resources.
- DumbLaws.Com lists the stupidest laws
in the United States.
- LegalSurvival -- a site
with resources pertaining to the law.
- Voter Registration -- find out how to register in your state.
- LexRex is devoted to informing the public about
the Constitution and its heritage of liberty.
- The National Debt Clock
Whether it has "redeeming social value" or not, Kenneth Starr's report on what
Clinton and Monica Lewinsky were up to is on the Net.
As humanity's bloodiest century gives way to the next one, there is still no end to the
wars that are going on. The U.S. is in some of them, despite the lack of any formal
declaration of war on the part of Congress as required by the Constitution. (The
only wars that the government is willing to formally declare these days are phony
ones like the "War On Drugs" and the "War On Poverty." When they actually go
bombing someplace, it's a "police action" instead.) Following the horrible
events of September 11, a "War On Terrorism" began, followed by an actual
shooting war in Iraq. Anyway, here are some links related to war past,
present, and future...
- These documents are supposedly illegal
for people in the U.K., and maybe some other countries, to view.
- Who owns messages left on answering machines, the sender or the recipient?
This lawsuit, against rapper
Snoop Dogg, aims to find out.
- No-Think Nation VI:
Destroying the West with Political Correctness
- The government of Brazil apparently doesn't have much of a sense of humor... they're
to sue the producers of The Simpsons for making fun of that country in an episode
where the family goes there to find a missing orphan boy that Lisa has been sponsoring.
- PoLinks has links to lots of political stuff.
- The Godless Pro-Lifers defend an
anti-abortion stance from an atheist position.
- John Stossel, whose TV news specials have a
somewhat libertarian-leaning slant (unusual for the mainstream media), is trying
to promote incorporating these shows into school curricula via his Web site.
- The Vagabond is a newsletter that
presents ideas and opinions, sometimes playing devil's advocate.
- Psycheocracy is one guy's theory
of how we should be governed by candidates who pass an elaborate battery of psychological
tests. However, the page that ostensibly is his statement of this position in actuality appears
to be a bunch of random, disconnected rants about lots of different subjects, including a claim
that your PC is secretly transmitting your conversations to your ISP via an onboard speaker.
- Bill Silverstein is suing his
ex-employer for firing him because he took leave (requested well in advance) to treat
a medical condition. He put up a Web site to describe the case, and the employer
responded by counter-suing him for libel. Read all about it in his site.
- I think "Affirmative Action" is a silly, discriminatory policy that
merely perpetuates racism by encouraging resentment between the races,
and gives bureaucrats more areas of our lives and businesses to stick
their noses in and micromanage. (Let's see... our statistical tables
say that you should have hired 3.8 black people, and you've only hired
three; you need to find 8/10ths of a black person to hire, quickly, our you're
in trouble!) However, there are people who disagree with me on this,
and one group of them has a web site: BAMN, yet
another noncommercial organization that's too dumb to know it's supposed to use
a .org address, so it's at a stupid .com address.
- Fleeting Thoughts --
a site full of opinions and other political stuff.
- Political Site of the Day
- Controversy.Net is a British-based site with
resources for investigative journalists.
- Think that Utopia is impossible? The authors of this site
- Ed Hardwick liked my
David Duke parody page enough to link to it... his page has lots
of other political content.
- A Course in
Political Miracles suggests a way to point out the immorality of taxation without
sounding negative.
- Santa Clara, Cuba, and Che Guevara (site in Spanish)
- Daylight
Savings Time unconstitutional in Mexico City -- I wish they'd dump it here
in the U.S. too; it's a pain changing all the clocks twice a year.
- Inflation Calculator and
GDP Calculator let you see how dollar amounts compare between different
time periods from the 1790s to the present.
- Another inflation calculator
This page was first created 04 Jan 1996, and was last modified 6 Sep 2021.
Copyright © 1995-2021 by Daniel R. Tobias. All rights reserved.